I love to learn. I like to think that this yen for knowledge sets me apart / makes me special, but I know it doesn't. Humanity, in general, is a curious species. For every old guy who's retired to his easy chair and television (for company), there's an offsetting person who's poking at that mysterious blob on the beach with a dull stick. The act of learning, in itself, isn't what sets a person apart from others. Rather, it's the combinations of your passions.
So... yeah. Like it says in the sidebar, I write software for a living. That profession can sate the most voracious lust for learning. There's always something you don't know how to do, and in those moments, Google is more than your friend. It's your lifeline. But there's more to life than whipping servers into shape and bending them to your will. I inherited a geek-lust for cameras from my Dad. You all will see the results of that here. I've also got a needling interest in Jazz Guitar, though as of late it's been collecting dust (taunting me from its corner). To round out my passions, I'm also into lifting free weights. I study lifting techniques and I'm really getting into lifting heavy and pushing my limits.
I like to think of my combinations of passions as a web in which Code, Cameras, Guitars and Barbells make up the support strands. My other passions lie on top of theses four strands to make a net. What are yours?